Ali & Catty: Life on the Green River

Ali "Ansel" Adam's magnum opus: view up-river from Turk's Head at sunrise.

A hood ornament on the prow of Dawn's canoe.

Truth is beauty; beauty, truth.

Mud Man emerges to join the trip, posing as the mild-mannered
Pete until danger strikes, as in this heroic canoe rescue.

Thunderheads forming around the bend above two canoes.

Jonny-O, Queenie, and Ali on a day hike.

Mud Haiku
Sheer cliff face
Joins sky above to
Moon below.
  --Sum Yung Gai, 2200 B.C.

Queen Bee demonstrates the personal
touch that keeps her drones so loyal...

© The Mud People, 1999.    All photos on this page by Ali Adams or Catty Ley.   Back to Mud People Tribal Elders